Wednesday 29 April 2015

Last article

Hi everybody,

As you know it's the end of our trip, and for this we have done a little video with some questions and our responses about our sojourn.
Goog watching!

Thank you to follow us during this trip.
It's last article, don't be sad, we'll come back in spain next year.

Vincent, Louis and Timothée


Monday 27 April 2015

Get back to Liverpool

Hi guys,
This new article concerns the last city we have visited: Liverpool. This city near from Manchester was the city where one of the most famous rock band began to play music: The Beatles of course! We went to Liverpool the last Tuesday, and we really enjoyed this city, let us tell you why:
Liverpool is the only city where we have really succed to see the sea in UK. Cardiff and Edinburgh are near from the sea too, but we did not appreciated as Liverpool. We spend a most part of the day in the Albert Docks, because it was the place where it was so many things to see: the museum of Liverpool, two museums on the Beatles, an other exibitions. 
First, we visited the museum on the Beatles. We paid for this but it was really: the museum was a rebuilding of the band's history. We saw the bar where they began to play, the newpapers office who followed them, the music shop where they bought their instruments. It was really surprised to know the story of this group, composed by John Lennon, Paul MacCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, who have transformed the world by their music. 
 The cave bar, where the beatles used to play in their first concerts in Liverpool
After this, we went to the Liverpool Cathedral of St James's Mount, it is a really nice construction, supposed to be one of the largest in the world! It was amazing to see the hight of the roof when we were inside.

Pictures of the amazing St James's Mount Cathedral
After this nice journey, we came back to Stoke. It was probably the last city we visited before our return in France, and we really enjoyed this last trip.
We hope you enjoyed this article, it is nearly the end of our Erasmus placement, but don't worry you will have news from us before we live!
Vincent, Louis and Timothée


Hello everyone !

Sunday 19th April 2015 on Staffordshire University campus, take place annual festival of  Movie. A lot of activities and stand are on the campus. This festival assembles fans and enthusiastic people of movies world. 
Many visitors come dressed up. To go in this festival is like visiting a new and strange world.

There was a lot of stars and famous cars:

 Cars in carton of the same name.

 Car of  "Back to the future"

 Car of the series TV "Knight Rider"

Van of the "A-team"

Inspector Gadget's Car.

Maybe a lot of stands sell accessories on movies. Stars of this festival are "Star wars", "Batman" and "Super man". Maybe all movies are well represented on the campus.

Picture of only one hall of the exhibition.

The principal atraction of the festival is the presence of many actors. In totaly, 50 actors of movies and TV series. On this picture, they are against the wall.

Example of actors presents:

Murcella Baratheon in the TV serie "games of thrones"

Laurence R. Harvey in the horror movie: "the human centiped 2"

Spencer Wilding who play a prison gardien in "the gardians of the Galaxy"

This exhibition had been the occasion to dicover this world next to our flat!!

Thank's for your attention!

                                                                                                       Timothée, Vincent and Louis

The end or almost

Hello everybody

We have never been also close to the end, and it’s time for us to remember our sojourn.
The first city that we visited was Manchester, the city of arts, large and nice city, we didn’t sleep in this city in it’s our only regret.
The second city was Birmingham the second biggest city in England, with his shopping centre at appearance futuristic. It was the first one night out of Stoke and to celebrate Birmingham is a good city, the problem was the hostel far of centre and not many things to do in the centre during the day.
The third city was London, the capitol, we have been staying during 3 days in this enormous city. We think that one week to visit this city is not enough, there are so many monuments, so many borrows, so many shop to do. But this city is the most expensive in the world and it’s true, because the value of reference, the beer, is not under 5£ in a pub.
After we visited three cities in one trip Bristol-Bath-Cardiff, three cities with many things to see but not enough time to do it.
Our last trip was Scotland and his both biggest city (Edinburgh and Glasgow). It was a beautiful country with his landscape but so cold, when we know that in summer the warmer temperature is 24°C.
But now our trip is almost over it’s time to begin our assessment and make a luggage because in two weeks we will be in France at Esaip.  

                                                                                                      Timothée, Vincent and Louis

Monday 13 April 2015

Stoke culture !!

You can read this article on the tap "Custom of City"

Louis, Vincent & Timothée


The National Natural History museum of London!

You can read this article in the tab "Culture"


Movie on the trip to Bristol, Bath and Cardiff

It is a short movie on our trip: 

On the road to Scotland

Hi every one,

Here we back again to tell you about the end of our holidays in England: we went to Scotland for few days. We planed to visit the two most important cities, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Scotland is far enough from Stoke, we spent 6 hours in the bus to go in Glasgow.

The city of Glasgow is the second biggest town of Great Britain by the side. However, we did not find many things to do there. We left Stoke the saturday 28th of March at 6 AM and and we arrived at 2 PM. The plan was to take another bus to go to Edinburgh directly, we had only few hours to wait, so we decided just to see the town center. 

St Aloysius Church, near to the coach Station
Then we took the bus to Edinburgh. All for us, we have more liked this city than Glasgow: the building are nices, and the landscapes too. Sunday morning, we visited the Edinburgh castle, which is one of the most attractive thing in the city. In this castle there are many museums about the Scotland history. We saw lot of things like the museum of the war, the St Margaret Church, the Scotland crown jewells and the whisky house.
In front of the castle
After the castle, we went to another whisky cave. Whisky is one of the most popular thing in Scotland, and some of us bought some bottles. We walked around the Streets and we decided to climb up the mountain near from the city. We did it, and after a rude walk we enjjoyed the point of view.
At the top

The night we went in a nightclub and we really enjoyed it. We met french people too. We came back in Glasgow the day after and waited for the bus to Stoke until 11 PM. The travel to go home was really hard!

Even the stonger need to sleep

Finally, we arrived at Stoke in 5 AM. This was a very nice trip and we really enjoyed it, but now it is the end of the holidays, and the assessments are coming!
We hope we enjoyed this article as much as we enjoyed our travel, so now bye and see you for the end of our trip!

Vincent, Louis and Timothée


Friday 27 March 2015

Go to Bristol !!

Hello everybody,

In England it's holydays, and it’s an opportunity for us to travel. We have travelled to the south of England at Bristol. Lot of people told us that will be a beautiful city and they were right. Bristol is big and very nice city, there many hills, parks and bridges in this city. We have begun by visit the old city, and you can see many different shopkeeper and you can eat something different than a fast food inside. Many people proposes a meal that you can’t anywhere, and it smelt very good in this street.
In front of a Clifton Bridge
After to visit the Old city, we have gone at the Clifton Suspension Bridge, it's a beautiful bridge build on the River Avon, and every car need to pay to cross this bridge. On this Bridge there is a beautiful landscape on a part of a city, but the river is not beautiful, because there are many locks. Next to the bridge there is a hill with a best landscape with the bridge, perfect for pictures.
At the end we have visited a Britsol Museum & Art Gallery, it was nice but nothing near to the Natural Museum in London.
Inside Museum
For the night we have slept at the Rock’N Bowl Hostel, which is a youth hostel, underneath there are a bowl, several pulls and a pub. This night we have eaten at “La Grotta” an Italian restaurant, where the wall look like at a cave. In this place we have eaten the bigger pizza of ever for only 8.5£.

To put in a nutshell Bristol is a nice city with many thing to do, we recommend it.

Vincent, Timothée and Louis
