Monday 27 April 2015

The end or almost

Hello everybody

We have never been also close to the end, and it’s time for us to remember our sojourn.
The first city that we visited was Manchester, the city of arts, large and nice city, we didn’t sleep in this city in it’s our only regret.
The second city was Birmingham the second biggest city in England, with his shopping centre at appearance futuristic. It was the first one night out of Stoke and to celebrate Birmingham is a good city, the problem was the hostel far of centre and not many things to do in the centre during the day.
The third city was London, the capitol, we have been staying during 3 days in this enormous city. We think that one week to visit this city is not enough, there are so many monuments, so many borrows, so many shop to do. But this city is the most expensive in the world and it’s true, because the value of reference, the beer, is not under 5£ in a pub.
After we visited three cities in one trip Bristol-Bath-Cardiff, three cities with many things to see but not enough time to do it.
Our last trip was Scotland and his both biggest city (Edinburgh and Glasgow). It was a beautiful country with his landscape but so cold, when we know that in summer the warmer temperature is 24°C.
But now our trip is almost over it’s time to begin our assessment and make a luggage because in two weeks we will be in France at Esaip.  

                                                                                                      Timothée, Vincent and Louis

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