Monday 2 February 2015

We arrived !!

Hi everybody,
We arrived at Stoke-on-Trent Friday, the 23th of January, after taking a plane at Charles de Gaules Airport. We landed at Manchester Airport at 14 P.M, and we waited 3 hours at the airport, then we took the bus and went to Stoke-On-Trent. We arrived in ours rooms at 21 P.M. and it was raining. It was not surprising because we are in England ;).
After one week in Stoke-on-Trent, we have very nice fellings about the university. In the accommodation, we are with 3 other Frenchs from Paris (Miguel, Alexandre and Guillaume) and 3 Germans (Simon, Jean-Philip and Fabian) is not good to speak often english. Timothée is not in the same flat that us he stay with the Grasse’s Frenchs (From ESAIP), but he is often with us. About the university, there are lot of students in comparison at ESAIP, and in the buildings there lot of computers, it’s so different than France. In the classroom, there is a television at the back, where we can see the teacher's PowerPoint, it's so crazy.
There are lot of sports on the campus, soccer, US football, basketball, lacrosse, judo, rugby and handball, and we can even go to the gymnastic room.

We could speak about the restaurant, the parties, the city and the teachers but we have already written more than 200 words and we have to stop, but don't worry, you will have news from us. 

See you soon
Vincent, Louis and Timothée



  1. Hi guys!
    Everything seems to be good! Have you ever gone to the stadium to see a football or rugby match?
    Is beer good in England?

    PS: I hope Timothée eats enough vegetables, and not only fish and

    We are waiting for your next publication. Enjoy your stay!

    Timothée's sister.

    1. Of course we eat very diversified food! Thanks Laetitia
