Friday 27 February 2015


   To going in London, we use National Express, a bus company. It's not so expensive: 16£ the round-trip ticket. But the journey count 8 hours of bus.

Arrived in the capital, we can go everywhere because there are so many things to see:

 Bickingham Palace is the royal residence. The royal family lives here. We can see here the famous changing of the guard.

The Tower of London was built by William the conqueror in 1066 with the Normand conquests. The tower played an essential role in England history. It was used to defend the kingdom and to incarcerate enemies.

 Westmister abbey was built in the XIIIrd century under Henri III. In this abbey, there are all royals events of the royal family, like marriages, coronations and interments.

 Half a Buckingham Park away, we can assist at the changing of the horserider. It is impressive because he charge the public for go at his post.

Big Beng is one of the most famous symbol of London and all the Great-Britain. It is a name of  the bell which is in Elizabeth Tower. 

The red telephonique cabin is the most famous cabin in the word. It is an English special feature.

Trafalgar square is a very important place in London. This name commemorate the big battle between the Franco-Spanish flotilla and the British flotilla.

London Bridge can curl to let pass baots. 

Fish and Ship is one symbol meal of England.

London eye is one big attraction which permite of see all London.

London is one beautiful city full of intirristing place. It is always one pleasure of go in.

Vincent, Thimothée and Louis

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