Tuesday 10 February 2015

Candlemas at Stoke-on-Trent

Hi everybody,

The 2sd February of 2015, we celebrated a Candlemas in England with all our neighbours.
In this video you can see a big part of the night and all the activities in the kitchen.
We made around one hundred crepes and it was delicious. In this video there are Miguel (French-Portuguese) Jean Philip, Fabian and Simon (Germans) and all the French students of ESAIP.
We hadn’t not a salad bowl for make a crepes, then we made a crepes in saucepan with random dose, but it worked very well. We got a problem with a cooker, because after one hour of use they went out.
We took a decision for improve our English, as soon as the Germans come in the kitchen we talked in English (so we tried), is more difficult but is more polite for Germans. We speak more French than English, because there are lot of French students, is not good for the next TOEIC session but is easier to know something.
A new video is going to arrive soon, and she’ll speak about the Stoke's campus!!

See you soon


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