A Company

Hello everyone,

Here we are the stoke's team again, for another article. Let us talk about industry. In fact, we had to visit a regional factory during our trip, to discover the job in england. We choose to go to the Emma Bridgewater Factory, where most of the famouses british potteries from Stoke are produced. It a big factory localized in the city, near of the canal. More of 200 craftmen and women work in it. 

The Emma Bridgewater Factory

We have paid £2.50 to visit the factory. The speciality of Stoke-on-Trent potteries is all of them are made handmade. We realized that to make a pottery by hand is a very patient and precised job.The factory tours gave us a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes, with more details and informations.

After many hours of work, a piece of clay can become a beautifully painted mug, plate or jug.

Painting is the last step of the processus

In the factory, it is possible to decorate it yourself, but with guidance from the expert helpers of the decorating studio. We didn't try it, but it was really nice. 

Finally, we very appreciated the visit of the Emma Bridgewater Factory, it was a really nice experience about the speciality of the town. 

Hope you have enjoying this article, now it is time to go! See you guys. 

Vincent, Louis and Timothée 

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