Monday 27 April 2015


Hello everyone !

Sunday 19th April 2015 on Staffordshire University campus, take place annual festival of  Movie. A lot of activities and stand are on the campus. This festival assembles fans and enthusiastic people of movies world. 
Many visitors come dressed up. To go in this festival is like visiting a new and strange world.

There was a lot of stars and famous cars:

 Cars in carton of the same name.

 Car of  "Back to the future"

 Car of the series TV "Knight Rider"

Van of the "A-team"

Inspector Gadget's Car.

Maybe a lot of stands sell accessories on movies. Stars of this festival are "Star wars", "Batman" and "Super man". Maybe all movies are well represented on the campus.

Picture of only one hall of the exhibition.

The principal atraction of the festival is the presence of many actors. In totaly, 50 actors of movies and TV series. On this picture, they are against the wall.

Example of actors presents:

Murcella Baratheon in the TV serie "games of thrones"

Laurence R. Harvey in the horror movie: "the human centiped 2"

Spencer Wilding who play a prison gardien in "the gardians of the Galaxy"

This exhibition had been the occasion to dicover this world next to our flat!!

Thank's for your attention!

                                                                                                       Timothée, Vincent and Louis

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