Custom of City !

Hi everyone,
One month before the end of our England stay, it’s chance for us to speak about city’s custom.
To begin we are going to speak about this very nice Stoke accent. Here everybody who live here since long time have an accent, and it’s very difficult to understand English with it for a French guy like us. Because when the Stoke people speak, he mince his word, like he was eating at the same time.
We tried to talk while eating, but it does not give the same, only the Stoke citizens have this secret.
It was the first thing about Stoke, the second it very special and we are still looking what they do this. Everybody know the yellow sign with “yet floor” write on it? Because here at Stoke, people use this sign everywhere even if it’s not wet. For example when we have arrived, we have gone in a Fish and ships so dirty, and on the floor there was this sign just next to a grease stain. Once we have seen this sign on carpet (dry), this custom is very strange.
The famous yellow sign
The last custom, but we are not sure that it is specific at Stoke is about a bus and most specifically bus shelters. Here they are upside down, turned to the wall not to the road, very simple to see if a bus arrive. Most strange, they aren’t all is the same direction, some are turned to the wall and some to the road. Why? Good luck to answer at this question.

How you can see the bus ?
 Timothée, Louis & Vincent


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