Friday 27 February 2015

Chester journey

Hello everyone, 

This is a short resume about last saturday, when some of us went to Chester with the university. It was a journey organized by the Student Union. We were about 60 people from the two campuses, Stoke and Stafford. We went to Chester by coach. The start was at 10.30 AM.

Arriving in the city, we decided to visit the cathedral first. Because we were a very big group, a part of us have waiting for the visit. We have seen some gravestones, it was interessing.

After lunch, we decided to go to the Roman museum. We were looking for it, and when some for us asked to a man which way taking, the man decided to show us something more interesting than it. He had a haunted house, and I tried to make us pay for visiting it. But it seems to be too expensive for the house, and when we were expected to leave, he said it was free. So we visiting the haunted house but it was not really interesting. 

The scarriest haunted house in England (lol)
After this event, we found the museum: Chester was occupied by romans thousand years ago, and they built a fortified camp in the city, with an arena too. The only vestiges of this occupation now are the walls which circle the center of Chester.

Map of the city in the Ist century

 Some prooves of romans presence: their technologies

This museum was nice to visit too, and we finished the journey by a walk around the walls of the city. 

Finally, the chester's trip was very nice, because of the city which is small but beautiful. But the best thing of the journey was to meet other erasmus student. It permited to us to make news friends and to speak english. 

End for now guys, see you soon for a next episode !

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