Friday 27 March 2015

Go to Bristol !!

Hello everybody,

In England it's holydays, and it’s an opportunity for us to travel. We have travelled to the south of England at Bristol. Lot of people told us that will be a beautiful city and they were right. Bristol is big and very nice city, there many hills, parks and bridges in this city. We have begun by visit the old city, and you can see many different shopkeeper and you can eat something different than a fast food inside. Many people proposes a meal that you can’t anywhere, and it smelt very good in this street.
In front of a Clifton Bridge
After to visit the Old city, we have gone at the Clifton Suspension Bridge, it's a beautiful bridge build on the River Avon, and every car need to pay to cross this bridge. On this Bridge there is a beautiful landscape on a part of a city, but the river is not beautiful, because there are many locks. Next to the bridge there is a hill with a best landscape with the bridge, perfect for pictures.
At the end we have visited a Britsol Museum & Art Gallery, it was nice but nothing near to the Natural Museum in London.
Inside Museum
For the night we have slept at the Rock’N Bowl Hostel, which is a youth hostel, underneath there are a bowl, several pulls and a pub. This night we have eaten at “La Grotta” an Italian restaurant, where the wall look like at a cave. In this place we have eaten the bigger pizza of ever for only 8.5£.

To put in a nutshell Bristol is a nice city with many thing to do, we recommend it.

Vincent, Timothée and Louis


City of Bath!

Hello everybody!

Last monday we slept in the city of Bath. Bath is a city localized to the west of Bristol in south-west of England. 

Bath was built by the romans in 43 before J-C. They selected this place because there were thermal water. Bath widen during centuries through this touristic activities. Now, there are 84 000 residents. 
Roman history is always present in the city.

It is Abbey-church of saint Peter and saint Paul. The last restoration work was made in 1860 by George Gilbert Scott.
One Characteristic is the remarkable fine van vaulting.

Entrance of the roman's bath. This  site is the most famous and the oldest of the city.  The price for visit is 12,50£. 
We haven't seen more of this picture because we hadn't a time (and the money) for all do.

This picture was made in front of  the coach station. The first impressions were very good because it is a white and bright city. It changes as compared with normal England red cities. 

Exemple of Bath's place.

The old city is surrounded by canals.

When we walked on the canal, we can saw a other view of the city.

The Bath's stadium of rugby is near to center and we had made a short visit of it.

In all the town, spaces remind of roman's age.

View on the biggest hotel of Bath.

Typical street of Bath's architecture. 

Lastly, Bath is a really very nice and fun city! It is indispensable of visit him when we visit the Great-Britain! 

Thank you for your lecture!

                                                                                               Vincent, Timothée and Louis

Cardiff in Wales

Hi everyone, 

Last wednesday we went to Cardiff, capital of Wales. We have really enjoyed the city, let us tell you how was this trip ! 

We arrived at 11.30 AM from Bristol, that we visited the day before. First we decided to see the Millenium Stadium, the famous area of the wales rugby team. The stadium is in the center of the city, it was easy to find it. 

The Millenium Stadium 

 Most of us really like rugby, so we decided to visit the stadium together. There was a visit which started at 1 PM, so after lunch, we went to the meeting point to begin. We learnt lot of things with the guide about the stadium. In fact, it is a multifonction stadium which can receive 74 000 persons for differents events like rugby or soccer games, but concerts and runs too. It is the third biggest stadium for rugby behind Stade de France and Twinckenham and it has a retractable roof

The amazing size of the Millenium 
We came on by the players reception and we visited the changing room of the wales team, the conference room too.

  The changing room of the wales team

The conference room (with a new trainer for France)

After this, we went in one of the lunch room localized behind the tribunes of the second floor. These rooms can be sell for one match, but you have to reserve two years in advance! The price depends of the game (which team, which period...)
 Lunch during a game

In cardiff there is a castle too. We didn't visit it because it was expensive, but we walked in the parc near of the castle. 
 The castle from the reception 
After, we visit the town center, the city hall and the national museum. We really liked how the city was.

Finally, we took the bus to comeback to Bristol and after Stoke at 18PM. It was our first trip in Wales and we really enjoyed it. Cardiff is a such beautiful city! 

We hope you enjoyed this article guys, and see you soon for the next adventure in UK! 


Vincent, Timothée and Louis

Monday 16 March 2015


You can read this article on a page " Company"

Vincent, Louis and Timothée 

Birmingham Trip

Hello everybody, we spent the weekend of 28 february in Birmingham! Birmingham is a second city of England with 1,092,330 residents. It is at 1h30 from Stoke-on-Trent. 
The coach station is near to a commercial center. So we started the Birmingham tour here. It is very big and famous. 

Every Windows users recognise this...

Old church in front of commercial center.

One symbol of the commercial center and of the city is  this beef's statue.

After, we went to the library because there are nice lanscapes on the town. Maybe the library is beautiful too, it opened these doors the September 3 of 2013. It is the biggest library in Europe.

We crossed many different floors to ascend the library.

At the last floor, one room pay homage to Shakespeare.

The landscape on Birmingham.

There are three different patios.

The library is located in the history center.

One beautiful appearance of Birmingham is its canals. All the city wonder by it. 

One Canal's resident.

The center is localized on one hill. And on this, there are a Birmingham's Cathedral.

There are a lot of exceptionals pubs and bars.

In  Birmingham, we can see much modern building.

Sunday, we visited the Birmingham museum. It exposes art collection and relates the Birmingham's history.

Items of Birmingham diary (at least, possibly not all...)

Bike of industrial history of Birmingham.

Happy visit!

room on oeuvre.

                              Architecture's Museum is remarkable.

Lovely place!

 We spent one very exceptional and interresting weekend in Birmingham! And it is under the sun what we had return to Stoke-on-Trent.

Thank you for your time!

                                                                             Vincent, Thimothée and Louis