Friday 27 March 2015

City of Bath!

Hello everybody!

Last monday we slept in the city of Bath. Bath is a city localized to the west of Bristol in south-west of England. 

Bath was built by the romans in 43 before J-C. They selected this place because there were thermal water. Bath widen during centuries through this touristic activities. Now, there are 84 000 residents. 
Roman history is always present in the city.

It is Abbey-church of saint Peter and saint Paul. The last restoration work was made in 1860 by George Gilbert Scott.
One Characteristic is the remarkable fine van vaulting.

Entrance of the roman's bath. This  site is the most famous and the oldest of the city.  The price for visit is 12,50£. 
We haven't seen more of this picture because we hadn't a time (and the money) for all do.

This picture was made in front of  the coach station. The first impressions were very good because it is a white and bright city. It changes as compared with normal England red cities. 

Exemple of Bath's place.

The old city is surrounded by canals.

When we walked on the canal, we can saw a other view of the city.

The Bath's stadium of rugby is near to center and we had made a short visit of it.

In all the town, spaces remind of roman's age.

View on the biggest hotel of Bath.

Typical street of Bath's architecture. 

Lastly, Bath is a really very nice and fun city! It is indispensable of visit him when we visit the Great-Britain! 

Thank you for your lecture!

                                                                                               Vincent, Timothée and Louis

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