Friday 27 February 2015


   To going in London, we use National Express, a bus company. It's not so expensive: 16£ the round-trip ticket. But the journey count 8 hours of bus.

Arrived in the capital, we can go everywhere because there are so many things to see:

 Bickingham Palace is the royal residence. The royal family lives here. We can see here the famous changing of the guard.

The Tower of London was built by William the conqueror in 1066 with the Normand conquests. The tower played an essential role in England history. It was used to defend the kingdom and to incarcerate enemies.

 Westmister abbey was built in the XIIIrd century under Henri III. In this abbey, there are all royals events of the royal family, like marriages, coronations and interments.

 Half a Buckingham Park away, we can assist at the changing of the horserider. It is impressive because he charge the public for go at his post.

Big Beng is one of the most famous symbol of London and all the Great-Britain. It is a name of  the bell which is in Elizabeth Tower. 

The red telephonique cabin is the most famous cabin in the word. It is an English special feature.

Trafalgar square is a very important place in London. This name commemorate the big battle between the Franco-Spanish flotilla and the British flotilla.

London Bridge can curl to let pass baots. 

Fish and Ship is one symbol meal of England.

London eye is one big attraction which permite of see all London.

London is one beautiful city full of intirristing place. It is always one pleasure of go in.

Vincent, Thimothée and Louis

Chester journey

Hello everyone, 

This is a short resume about last saturday, when some of us went to Chester with the university. It was a journey organized by the Student Union. We were about 60 people from the two campuses, Stoke and Stafford. We went to Chester by coach. The start was at 10.30 AM.

Arriving in the city, we decided to visit the cathedral first. Because we were a very big group, a part of us have waiting for the visit. We have seen some gravestones, it was interessing.

After lunch, we decided to go to the Roman museum. We were looking for it, and when some for us asked to a man which way taking, the man decided to show us something more interesting than it. He had a haunted house, and I tried to make us pay for visiting it. But it seems to be too expensive for the house, and when we were expected to leave, he said it was free. So we visiting the haunted house but it was not really interesting. 

The scarriest haunted house in England (lol)
After this event, we found the museum: Chester was occupied by romans thousand years ago, and they built a fortified camp in the city, with an arena too. The only vestiges of this occupation now are the walls which circle the center of Chester.

Map of the city in the Ist century

 Some prooves of romans presence: their technologies

This museum was nice to visit too, and we finished the journey by a walk around the walls of the city. 

Finally, the chester's trip was very nice, because of the city which is small but beautiful. But the best thing of the journey was to meet other erasmus student. It permited to us to make news friends and to speak english. 

End for now guys, see you soon for a next episode !

Our Neighbour The German

Hi everybody,

In the Flat 6 (our flat) we have three German people and we would like to write about them.
Their names are Simon (on the left), Fabian (on the middle) and Jean-Philipp (on the right).

At Working

These three guys, they didn’t know each other before coming in England. Fabian live at Tauberbischofsheim, Simon at Lohrbach and Jean-Philipp (J-P) at Valbert. Don’t ask we to know where are these cyties in Germany, google maps is here for that.
There are very kind and lazy guys, we have done many party together for we arrived, and I can tell you, German’s people not only drink beer, it’s false!
They are very friendly, they speak with us every time we are together, it’s nice and this allows us to improve our English (Thanks’ guys).
Simon and Fabian learn Business administration and engineering whereas J-P learn International Business but it is in apprenticeship in Germany.

The only problem with us is … they cook too much!

After eating
As we said, every time they are hungry, they cooked lot of food (too much every time). We don’t know why, neither they are. When there are two people to eat, they cook for 4 or 5 people. I think they have found a solution for cooked one time per day (and maybe more).
The last Tuesday we have celebrate Simon's birthday with all people of our flat and the next Tuesday is Fabian's birthday! Unfortunately the Birthday at Jean-Philippe is in July, we will find another things to celebrate.
Blowing candle out

We are very lucky to have this guys like neighbours.

See you soon 

Vincent, Louis and Timothée 


Tuesday 17 February 2015

Presentation of Staffordshire University

Hi everybody,

This is our first video to presents you Staffordshire University.
Have a good viewing, and sorry for our accent.

Timothée, Louis and Vincent

Sport on the campus

Hi guys,
There are many activities on the campus. We practise a lot of sport because we have the time and it is easier to speak english with other people on the campus. Colors of Team's Staffordhire University are black and red. Ours favorites sports are the gym and the soccer. You can see one game we played the 4/02 in this video:

Vincent, Timothée and Louis

Monday 16 February 2015

Manchester trip of Saturday 7/02

Hi Guys 

Here we are again for another episode of our trip in english territory! Some of us decided to go to Manchester last Saturday, to see a bigger city than Stoke. We have bought coaches tickets, outward and inward for 9£. The departure was at 8 A.M, we arrived at Manchester at 9 o'clock. 

At the beginning, we didn't organise our visit, so first we decided to walk in the city, and find something interesting to do. We crossed the chinese district and then we decided to visit the museum of science and industry, wich describe to visitors the most important inventions of the englishes during the 19th and 20th centuries: locomotives, planes, bicycles... 

Plane developed in the 20th century for the royal air force 

Then we went in the John Rylands library, one of the most spectacular libraries in the world, with some amazing collections of manuscripts and beautiful galleries and rooms.  

                            Outside the library (pictures were not permitted inside)

After lunch at the Burger King restaurant, we visited the soccer museum, a place all dedicated to this sport. Then, we went to the natural history museum of Manchester, and we visited the comercial center too. We can see an elephant's skeleton on the bottom.

Finally, we found a pub to wait for the bus and to see the rugby match France versus Scotland. We really enjoyed it. 
To conclude, this Saturday was very plaisant, we have discovered many things and all the museums we have visited was free, so it was really a good day. 
See you soon for a next episode !

Vincent, Louis and Timothée 


NightClubs in Stoke-On-Trent

You can read this article on a page "Activities sociocultural of youth"

Vincent, Louis and Timothée

The potteries museum & art gallery

Hi guys,

We visited the Potteries Museum  & art gallery. This museum relate the story of Stoke-on-Trent and other differents activities. 

Potteries Museum  & art gallery.

            Many archaeological remains are expose .

First evidences of Humans presence.

 One dedicated space is for the Spitfire because the city was an important place in this conception.

Many historics reconstitutions are exposed to explain the life of the city in the 20th century
Here a home.

 A drugstore

 Fire fighting vehicule

One large section are dedicated for biodiversity at Staffordhire

Collection of paintings.


Explication on the pottery because it is the specialitie of the city . 

 Old workshop

Pottery room

If you want more informations on the museum, you can see the website of the Museum:

Vincent, Timothée and Louis

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Candlemas at Stoke-on-Trent

Hi everybody,

The 2sd February of 2015, we celebrated a Candlemas in England with all our neighbours.
In this video you can see a big part of the night and all the activities in the kitchen.
We made around one hundred crepes and it was delicious. In this video there are Miguel (French-Portuguese) Jean Philip, Fabian and Simon (Germans) and all the French students of ESAIP.
We hadn’t not a salad bowl for make a crepes, then we made a crepes in saucepan with random dose, but it worked very well. We got a problem with a cooker, because after one hour of use they went out.
We took a decision for improve our English, as soon as the Germans come in the kitchen we talked in English (so we tried), is more difficult but is more polite for Germans. We speak more French than English, because there are lot of French students, is not good for the next TOEIC session but is easier to know something.
A new video is going to arrive soon, and she’ll speak about the Stoke's campus!!

See you soon
